In the frames of “I have the right to have a defender” project during April-May 2018 Rights Information Center NGO is placing informative display boards on provision of free legal aid in Khoznavar, Vaghatur, Kornidzor, Nerkin Khndzoresk, Hartashen, Harzhis, Khot, Vorotan, shurnukh, Syunik village, Sisian, Shaqi, Goris and Akner .
The display boards include a list of eligible groups for free legal aid, contact information of Public defenders in Syunik, clarification of laws etc. The following information is regularly being updated by RIC NGO.
The placement of display boards has fostered the visits by citizen in need of free legal aid to RIC NGO where free legal consultation was provided. If necessary, the citizens were later referred to the public defender’s office.
"I have the right to have a defender" project is implemented by the consortium of “Rights Information Center” and “Goris Press Club” NGOs though the grant funded by European Union in the scope of “Strong Civil Society Organizations for Stronger Armenia” project.
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